Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Super Grandparents..

Aaqil's greatgrandma told me that she was sad for not seeing us for almost 3 weeks. I really felt bad especially when I saw Aaqil reluctantly wanted to 'salam' her. I guess for a toddler to be confident and comfortable in one place, he/she must visit that place regularly. Anyway after we convinced him , he finally agreed to kiss his "Yot" and we took a nice picture together. I told myself, I should not make her wait for Aaqil too long. Aaqil is lucky to have a loving grandma and greatgrandma. Because he is the one and only grandchild to my MIL at the moment. No competition yet.
Nyai (Aaqil's grandma), was preparing Aaqil's favourite dish, chicken soup with rice. She then brought us out for groceries shopping and insisted to pay for everything I took. I took lots of junkies like 2 big tubs ice creams and chocolates. Anyway, thanks Mak!

My mom in law till now still decides to stay single. I pity her but after 4 years, I realized that she is happy the way she is doing now. Maybe her previous marriage experience was too painful too bear. Some people will have to go through unexpected scenarios.

As for Aaqil, he is lucky to have 3 great-grandmothers (2 in MY, 1 in SG), 2 grandmothers (both in SG) and 2 grandfathers (1 in MY, 1 in SG). Don't try to figure out which is which, unless you are willing to spare your analytical time. So failed marriages do provide something extra for Aaqil..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

budak cenggitu le Minah oii.. Alim recently baru got over 'malas-salam' phase.. panas ati gak mula2 tu but kids will b kids.. weh ade 2 big ice cream tubs nampak.. :)