Friday, June 30, 2006

Cycling with Aaqil/Children

"Just because I have a kid now, I have to give up cycling?" Omar once questioned himself loud enough for me to hear without the need to eavesdrop. Then he gave me that look again and said to me, "The mother needs a bike! It's going to be a family activity together!" That was how we started.

Omar was an avid cyclist. He made several trips to Malaysia on his bike or even brought along his bike to Indonesia for island-hopping activities. All that happened when me and Aaqil wasn't in his picture yet. And now he has to mild himself down towards non-vigorous bicycle rides knowing he is going to tow his then 21-month-old kid-son on his KONA (thats a huge sacrifice I think) and a wife who thinks that a bicycle is only used for playing at the courtyard or the minor-road side in front of my house in Malaysia. It didn't even cross my mind that I will use a bicycle as a mean of transport that can take us to places. The hunt started with my bike followed by the rear child seat for Aaqil. My bike was an easy find and I have started shifting the derailluers (gears) ever since. Omar was a little particular with the safety aspects of the child carrier but finally we found one financially suitable without sacrificing safety.

Now I realise that cycling is not only a sporty activity. It is also an emotionally and even spiritually healthy activity for the whole family as well. We have cycled to semi-remote places not accessible by public transports and perhaps too great a distant for pedestrians on foot too. Safety? Yes, we have been questioned or being passed remarks by those overly concerned about the safety of Aaqil on a bike. As usual, I am just going to let these people ponder on these topics themselves so I can stick to my bicycling topic.

Not to go harsh on Aaqil, we will take breaks every 30 minutes for him to stretch himself out. Surprisingly, Aaqil is the happiest soul when comes to family cycling. We will always coincide cycling with several other non-cycling activities like picnics, educational visits or just resting while letting him explore on his own foot. Actually, children do make good cycling companions because they are adaptable.

Let me tell you what I've learnt so far at this new activity of mine, plus some self researches from other experts hehe...

1) When you take a child on a ride, make certain you are familiar with the bike route. If you get lost or the route is longer than expected, your child may suffer not only from a diminished experience, but also in more serious ways, such as dehydration or exposure.

2) Children tire quickly in the afternoon. Take advantage of their energy in the morning and start your ride early.

3) Plan on taking a lot of short breaks. Also allow time to stop, get off the bike and explore.

4) Always have water readily available for your child. This is easy if children are in a trailer or on their own bike, but be mindful of a child in a child carrier. Stop often so he or she can drink.

5) A well-timed snack can defuse a squabble or sour temper. Kids tend to misbehave more when they're tired, hungry or thirsty.

6) Carry a Tool Kit and know how to use it.

7) Carry a Small First-Aid Kit. Generally, you'll only need a few bandages, some triple antibiotic cream and encouraging words to soothe a small case of road rash.

8) Make It Fun. Choose an interesting route that goes by parks, rivers, views, or—surprise!—a playground. Most children are interested in what they can see along the route rather than what's at the end of the road or trail.

9) Invite Playmates. Cycling is always more fun when shared. If your child has a friend who is at the same competency on the bike, bring them along.

The most important thing to remember when cycling with children is to avoid overdoing it. You can still cover a lot of miles—it's just going to take longer. Do it as a family, it's fun. Start early, it's very beneficial for your kid. My experiences will be different if I will just buy him a bike later on and let him play on his own without any family participation.


yus said...

i like the pic too..pandai hang tangkap gambar ..omar mesti tak sabaq2 nak cycling satu SG with aaqil this wkend

Anonymous said...

kat sini banyak geng bikers bawak the whole family .skali tu aku nampak dia angkut 4 org anak dia skali.. afterall ottawa is one of the most bike-friendly city. you guys will love biking. aku tingin nak try roller blade. cam best ja

Mrs O said...

yus..i did not make it to malacca that weekend...

atah: yup..mat salleh city are so bike friendly kan..i see lots of bycle gadgets on the geram with the technology..
p/s atah aku bukan frienster member..tak leh leave comments on ur blog...tukar blogspot la mcm syaf weii...

sab: hi welcome to my the by nature like we got to be cool abt it..msia not so bycle friendly kan..esp kl..

Slinky said...

minahhh... king puji blog hang.. pandai aminah menulis.. very beautiful, structured and etc..

heheheh.. teringatlah zaman2 kat US. We used to cycle and roller-blading along the Potomac river, where we can see the reflection of the monument, Jefferson and etc. Lepas tuh, singgah sat makan ketam rebus. Adusss!! this nice nostalgic feeling dah dtg.. wish to write something about this in my blog. Terkenang zaman2 bercinta mmg best.. hahaha..

the enigmatic syaf said...

aku suka naik basikal. kecik-kecik dulu aku naik basikal pi sekolah, pi market, pi pekan, pi umah tok aku... kiranya abis dah la satu pekan aloq setaq tu aku round ngan basikal bmx aku tu heheh. tapi la ni aku rasa jalan kat mesia x basikal friendly la.

Mrs O said...

linda: aku memang berminat nak baca cerita cinta hang dalam blog...cepat ahh tulis...

syaf: cycling is need gas, save environment blah blah heheheh

Channel 11.5 said...

aaqil : aunty aida fail naik basikal!! tapi skating ok, basikal, hmmm.... fail!!!

Anonymous said...

blogspot?? had yg tuh pun aku malas nak mampus nak menten.. nak tambah blog satu lagi..dak kot

Anonymous said...

jeles kite tengok hang cycling. wish i can do that here.. dolu2 both leman n I selalu gak time bercintun cycle p charles river or along revere beach..

Have fun cycling!