Saturday, February 11, 2006

I have been following Tagalog telenovela 'Sanay Wala Nang Wakas' since 3 months ago. The drama is good for me to kill my time as I really admire Jericho's look. It is typical love drama about a rich guy who fell for a poor gal and they both had twists and turns before they became together. Yes, I know that watching drama is not good so I am taking the opportunity to learn Tagalog language so that I can converse with my FIL's wife. Although she can speak English fluently, I make her laugh whenever i try to utter some simple phrases in Tagalog. Laughter is a good medicine especially for a cancer patient like her. Now we both have more to talk about....... about the prediction of the ending of this telenovela though I already knew the ending which I got from the internet.

'Kuya Bernard had a wrestling session with Aaqil'

Today we had a visitor. Auntie Aida (my FIL wife) nephew from Philippines. A 21 year old boy but very street smart. He is here to work as a Management Trainee in Royal Sporting House. He speaks with an American accent and to my surprise he was telling me about the history of Philippines government until Gloria Arroya made public recently to abolish presidency. I was really impressed with his knowledge about politics and everything. Wish Aaqil can grow up being street smart and not paper smart alone.

After fulfilling dinner..

Omar bought some popiah from 'Qi Ji' for tea time snacks. Auntie Aida and Bernard enjoyed it very much. We had so much to talk until they decided to stay for dinner. We bought mutton soup, mee goreng and fried rice mamak style for dinner. Again this health concious boy enjoyed it.

All of us plan to meet again at Sentosa Island this coming 26th for a picnic. Was wondering, what will I cook?


Anonymous said...

takyah masak ape2 pun skettt...nak ikut gi sentosa bleh????bleweekkk.....

Anonymous said...

weii... aku minat si Echo tu gak aa.. :P