Thursday, November 10, 2005

Eventful Day..

After learning that my FIL was having giddiness and terrible headache since last night, I got myself ready to join them at Tan Tock Seng Hospital
today. Aaqil and I arrived there by cab at 4pm and I straight away called my FIL on his mobile asking his whereabouts. Before that, I was told by a friend not to bring Aaqil to the hospital as you never know what are the diseases people are carrying there. I totally have a mix feeling whether to be there or not, initially. At A&E (Accident n Emergency) Department, I met my weak FIL and his wife. His wife whom I called Aunt Aida is a filipino. She is a nice person who can play piano well and likes to entertain me and aaqil with food. Unfortunately, she is not somebody who is strong when it comes to problem. She totally freaked out today fearing that something terrible could happen to my FIL and she has no where else to turn to. Without wasting my time, I helped my FIL with the registration. I saw the fees on the board...I told myself .."waliaauuu so expensive...registration 70 about those who does not have money and in emergency" Anyway, my FIL is a civil servant and he definately doesn't have to pay hospital fees, just like in Malaysia.Time showed 5.10pm and I knew I would have to wait real long. Always the typical expectations for semi-government hospital. It is impossible for me to leave a freaked out lady. So with an almost 10 kg hyper-cranky baby, I was trying my best to make Aaqil feel accomodating in the hospital. Aunt Aida had been with my FIL most of the time and I was in the waiting room doing nothing. Every 10 mins I would see an ambulance bringing in a patient. I was having goose bumps most of the time seeing blood and body fractures. As time went by, Aaqil was craving for my milk. He had been lifting up my shirt to get his milk. I looked around...Oh No, I did not see any sign of baby room. Well then, Aaqil's mommy would have to breastfeed in public. But then I decided to ask a malay cleaner lady whether I can use any discreet room for me to nurse for 10 mins. She did offer me her store room. I should not have complained but then it was cramped and strong disinfectant smell came from there made Aaqil so uncomfortable and refused to nurse...So I went out. I was searching for a best seat to breastfeed in public but the crowd made me so uncomfortable with horrible sights of sick patient. There was one group of Tamil gangsters who were involved in a fight and 3 of them were bleeding. Closed one eye, I tried to latch on but Aaqil got so distracted by the noisy environment and keep pulling his head away from my breast that made me so uncomfortable and of course I had already attracted some ppl to ogle me. I am sure they could not see my breast but they kept ogling. I then approached one indonesian looking cleaner who was smiling at me. I told him I need to nurse my son in indonesian dialect. Without any hesitation, he asked me to use an empty pantry room right in the end of one corner. Thanking him, I straight away went there as Aaqil already made so much noise asking for my milk. When I was about to close the pantry sliding door, one big built man suddenly appeared and asked me in a high pitch voice " What are you doing here? Dont you see the signboard saying it is for staff only" . Panicked and totally surprised, I said " I did ask one of the hospital staff. I just need to nurse my son for a few minutes while waiting for my FIL in oberservation. We have been here hours already!!!" I tried to explain to him courteously. He then said, "You were asking a cleaner. He does not know anything". I stared at him, now not because I couldn't breastfeed my son, but because I was furious he insulted 'a cleaner'. At that time he was wearing normal clothes and I did not know what is his position. I told myself, this arrogant bastard will get it. I then carried Aaqil and wanted to leave the room, I stared at him again and he said finally " ok..only 5 minutes" Putting my furious ego aside, I stayed back and nursed Aaqil. Immediately after I was done, I went to look for the nice cleaner-guy (well I am sure he will be blamed by his colleague for letting me to nurse in a staff room).

Fortunately, Omar arrived in the hospital so I can take a breather. I just could not wait to tell Omar what had happened to me. Upon telling Omar, he asked me to point out which one. I finally saw him again, but now with a uniform. He is only a hospital attendant doing general duities. Omar then went near him, bent down his head to have a close look at his name. I was sure that he noticed my conversation with Omar. He did not even bother to approach us and explain so we definately will proceed with the complaint to the hospital.

I may sound telling people that it is troublesome breastfeeding in public but nursing is a beauty art on its own. You can do it perfectly if you are at the right place at the right time.

Aaqil had been cranky and hyperactive. I was exhausted catching him running here and there. He also seemed to be not afraid with strangers. In a way it is good but still I have to teach him on how to behave.

My FIL has been finally discharged from the observation room. Time striked midnight and we took a cab home.


Anonymous said...

sumbat aje mop dalam mulut dia tu. dia tu takde isteri ke? atau takde mak? kot kecik2 dulu he was deprived of breastfeeding kot?

Mrs O said...

halo...nak sumbat mop i masuk jail hehe...!!