Monday, September 24, 2007

I had a chat with a friend, who is 8000 miles from home....
She is still single and available....
She told me this....

" I can't live without a maid..even one day I will end up being a housewife. "I dah biasa ada maids".

At first I was completely bewildered....In my head.." hey..i was raised by maids too when my mom was teaching at school..but I definately CAN LIVE without maid. In fact, I thank GOD I am among the few who gets the opportunity not to work, clean and cook for the family. Although my cooking can be sucks at times but I always make sure..I have regular meals for them.

On a serious note, Alhamdulillah, I have moved to another apartment. The place is all right I guess...just that I am not used to a bigger space. I hear echos everyday because there is not much furnitures. Aaqil is enjoying his pink bath tub in the master bedroom. He spends almost half an hour every morning inside there. My neighbors are Malays...and 3 units shares one lift which is so much convenient as compared to my older apt. Previously I had to use stairs after taking lift to 14th floor. During that period of moving house, I had my MIL's maid to help me packing and unpacking things as well as doing the cleaning. OMG....I totally cannot stand her cleaning system...tapi bulan puasa kan.....sabar am not a type "can you do this can you do that" . At first I thought I can become complacent having her with me. Anyway me and O ended up doing all the major cleaning like toilets scrubbing, mopping the floor, cleaning and disinfecting the kitchen cabinets and etc. She did try to clean the fridge since I smelled the fishy smells from there....but I ended up vomit in front of her...because the smells got worse and worse while she was doing the cleaning.

Moving house is the second worst thing that can happen in life after a family member pass away. I guess that was why my late mom only moved once. Me....10 times maybe and I am only 32.
Back to having maids, I admit that I used to have a silly dream that one day I can be at home and I have a live in maid that can help me with house chores and if she is indonesian..she might know how to massage my head and body. And I might be able to enjoy those beautiful indonesian delicacies like udang balado. I guess I am not that lucky. But the plus point is I know that, if I get into hard times...I can survive. I can do everything myself.

And in can hire part time maid for 10 bucks per hour.
Massage lady for 30-60..

So...I should be fine.....

By the way, O and myself lost some pounds due to fasting and moving house. He is so darn happy today to be able to wear his old levis jeans...Cissss...meluat I tengok.....hahahahhaa


the enigmatic syaf said...

I hate moving as well and lost track on how many times I've to go thru it since I was a kid. La ni pun sat pindah sana sat pindah sini hahhaha. Now I decided that I shud keep my personal stuffs to a minimum and ditch or donate the extras.

Anonymous said...

i watch from Oprah show, to ensure our house is clean and tidy. Donate any stuff which we don't use more than 1 year.

loves; wawa Penang

Anonymous said...

cuba hang click on this link. muka dia macam kak cik la...

wawa penang

yus said...

oo memang memenatkan pindah randah ni..pindah satu hal nak mengemas satu hal esp. klau ada pembantu kenit2 ni...
btw.. it is kak chik aka Rumaizah from 5R (tak silap la) ni org panggil dia KC..she's a pro. photographer

The Blueberry said...

Wey Minah, hang beli apartment baru ker? Wow bestnyer... Ada bath tub lagi?... Wah, mesti rezeki dah bertambah-tambah nie. Jom la Raya ni balik Kulim wei, pastu buleh join reunion Badlishah!

Slinky said...

minahhh... rumah baru ker?.. amboi2.. ada bath tub lagi.. teringinnya nak pi... ada bilik utk aku tak?

aku la nih pun tak de maid.. aku lagi happy tak de maid tp, penatlah..
semalam king re-organize store kami.. dia buat labelling and etc.. sebab masa ada maid dulu, dia main campak2 jer.. tanya semua benda tak tau.. aku dah ler jenis yg tak suka marah2..
penat mcm pindah rumah lah jugak.. hehehe... byk lagi project tak siap nih..

Anonymous said...

glad we sekampong now :) bila nak datang rumah?