Saturday, August 19, 2006

Baju Raya

I was amazed by the fact that my good friend Aida will have "10 pasang baju" for this upcoming Raya. I am sure she will look spectacular and I wish I can meet her so I can "pow" some hangbao hahaha. It has been a long time I have more than two pieces of baju kurung, be it "kurung Johor or kebaya". Anyway, I think I am comfortable with baju johor as it is elegant and not so sexy lah. So, yesterday, I smsed my Mom-in law, asking her if she knew anybody that can tailor my baju. Then she replied short and sweet "pass to me". Yabeda badooo!!! I actually totally forgotten that my mom in law is a certified designer and tailor and she teaches tailoring class in some of the community centre all over Singapore. But does she have the time? She is also at the moment a warden in of the girls correctional facilities.

Well, since I will be going back to north this Hari Raya, I thought why not I spend a little bit more for baju. So here I am with some chiffon materials and silks. I will be visiting relatives and friends so kenalah presentable a bit. Being SAHM tak leh sloppy-sloppy haha well if you guys know what I mean. *evil gins*
Back to my MIL, today lunch time, I took a cab to her house with my raya materials. We discussed some design and cutting and she sounded so professional in designing my baju. Bottom line Mak, try to make me look slim and still I can eat a lot lah. So she designed 2 dresses for me and I have to buy some beads in Arab Street later. Thanks Mak!!

As for Aaqil, he had a great time with my MIL's maid. Today for the first time, he said the word "kakak. kakak".
He even followed her to groceries shopping without crying and throwing his temper tantrums at me...Willingly he went!
After that he ate the chicken soup rice kakak made for him. It was a great break for me as me myself relax in the room and after that I had some haircut without have to worry about Aaqil.


The Blueberry said...

Heheee hang balik Lunas ka raya nie? Mai la rumah mak aku yek... Aku maybe first few days of raya ada kot kat rumah mak aku memandangkan tahun ni Hubba Bubba aku keje time raya. Yehuuuu...

the enigmatic syaf said...

aku tahun ni pagi raya ada assignment due..ces.. aaaa.. raya haji maybe aku balik...meh la raya ngan aku nanti.

Slinky said...

Minahhhh.. jgn lupa visit umah baru aku tau..
tidoq situ pun boleh... lama sikit masa utk bersembang.. omar leh tolong king buat gardening.. hahaha
i didn't shop for myself pun utk raya.. masa tuh perut dah membuncit lah..