Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Aaqil 1st attempt to solat...

Preparing solat ..waiting for Bapak to take ablution...

These pictures are all taken in my mother in law's house in Aljunied, Singapore. I never expected kids learn so fast. Normally, when we both perform solat, he just sat quietly and observed us. Well, of course there were some of bad times where he pulled our "kain". But in Aljunied he started asking for songkok and kain...although his Bapak said...so long you cover your aurat, no need to wear the kain. Alhamdullillah...he keeps asking us to solat together with him now and he can read Al-fatihah quite fluently made me wonder whether i should send him to Islamic taska.....One of my Hong Kong friend who converted, told me her kid now read koran better than her.....since she is still learning the content in English and Chinese. I told her...I am learning in English too...so there is no need to worry if she is slow in Arabic...Understanding is more crucial!

Tahiyyat awal..

Allah-hu- Akbar..(GOD is great)

Semoga anak tunggalku menjadi orang beriman....Ameen...


Channel 11.5 said...

Aaqil my dear,

Hati aunty tersentuh with this posting. Semoga Aaqil punya iman yang kuat di hari-hari akan datang. Take care!

Anonymous said...


The Blueberry said...

Aaaahhhhhh comel sangat Aaqil pakai kain pelikat!!! Heheheheee... Mana hang dapat kain pelikat saiz cute tu Minah?

the enigmatic syaf said...

yup kiutnya aaqil pakai kain pelikat. the last time aku jumpa aaqil masa dia baby lagi. miss u la minah. nampak sangat kita dah lama x jumpa.