Monday, May 22, 2006

Early participation for small kids..

I have a great helper who is very enthusiast with household chores. Thank GOD. The best thing is I dont have to pay him at all and he kinda do it very well. Everyday, he helps me wiping my wooden floor and put the dirty clothes in the washing machine. He understood that his mom hates messy place so after playing he will put his own toys in the basket and books on the shelf.

Lately everybody was asking me when can Aaqil have a playmate. Well, how to get pregnant if I am still breastfeeding my 22 months old son exclusively plus my other half is not in town now haha!

Ok back to my topic, the belief that a family unit should have at least one girl is not completely right anymore. It is just the matter of training your kids (even boys) early and make them feel responsible in their own place. I try to make my son believe that he is capable of handling simple chores around the house and deep inside I pray to God when he grows up, he will know how to help his immediate family and later his wife and kids.

The early participation in household chores was deemed more important in their success than any other factor, including IQ. On the other hand, if children did not begin participating in household chores until they were teenagers, the experience seemed to backfire and had a negative effect on their success as young adults.

Aaqil can't really speak yet. He only utters some words and a short phase like "It's hot" or "juice is nice" but one day I hope he can say fluently after giving one household chores this " Mommy believes I can do it" . Just be patient when they are a little bit slow.


Anonymous said...

good boy aqil!

Channel 11.5 said...

aaqil, bila lagi nak dtg clean up rumah aunty aida???

Anonymous said...

Minah caya la! Ian will help me sometimes, when he's in the mood.